Immune Support
This plant is native to Europe, the Mediterranean and southern Asia. It has tiny hair like glands on its surface called trichomes which reflect the intense rays
This plant has many volatile oils. The main volatile oils that have been researched in this plant are Carvacrol, Thymol, Eugenol and 1, 8 cineole. The plant
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Active Consituents
Carvacrol, Thymol, Eugenol and 1, 8 cineole and appreciable amounts of Rosmarinic acid and other antioxidants.
Parts Used
Additional Resources
1.) Teixeira B, Marques A, Ramos C, et al. Chemical composition and bioactivity of different oregano (Origanum vulgare) extracts and essential oil. J Sci Food Agric 2013;93:2707-14.
2.) Singletary K. Oregano: overview of the literature on health benefits. Nutrition Today 2010;45(3):129-38.
3.) Bremness L. The Complete Book of Herbs: A Practical Guide to Growing and Using Herbs. New York. Penguin Group; 1988:104-105 4.) Gerard J. The Herbal or General History of Plants. New York. Dover Publications; 1975: 666-667. [The complete 1633 edition as revised and enlarged by Thomas Johnson] Hammer KA, et al. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plant extracts. J Appl Microbiol. 1999; 86(6):985-990. Irkin R, Korukluoglu M. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2009 Apr;6(3):387- 94. Kelm MA, Nair MG, Strasburg GM. Antioxidant and Cyclooxygenase Inhibitory Phenolic Compounds from Ocimum sanctum Linn. Phytomedicine. Mar2000;7(1):7-13. Lagouri V and Dimitrios B. Nutrient antioxidants in oregano. International J of Food Science and Nutrition. 1996; 47:493-497. Mexis SF, Chouliara E, Kontominas MG. Combined effect of an oxygen absorber and oregano essential oil on shelf life extension of rainbow trout fillets stored at 4 degrees C. Food Microbiol. 2009 Sep;26(6):598- 605.Milos M, et al. Chemical composition and antioxidant effect of glycosidically bound volatile compounds from oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. Hirtum) Food Chemistry. 2000; 71:79-83. Milos M, et al. Chemical composition and antioxidant effect of glycosidically bound volatile compounds from oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. Hirtum) Food Chemistry. 2000; 71:79-83. Montes-Belmont R and Carvajal M. Control of Aspergillus flavus in maize with plant essential oils and their components. J Food Prot. 1998; 61(5): 616- 619. Nurmi A, Mursu J, Nurmi T, et al. Consumption of juice fortified with oregano extract markedly increases excretion of phenolic acids but lacks shortand long-term effects on lipid peroxidation in healthy nonsmoking men. J Agric Food Chem. 2006 Aug 9;54(16):5790-6. Saeed S, Tariq P. Antibacterial activity of oregano (Origanum vulgare Linn.) against gram positive bacteria. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2009 Oct;22(4):421-4.T
Important Precautions
Not for use during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs please consult your doctor prior to use.
This information in our Herbal Reference Guide is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This content does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, this information should be used only under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.
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