Cat's Claw
Foundational Support
Immune Support
Cat's Claw is a climbing vine indigenous to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of South and Central America, including Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Trinidad, Venezuela,
There have been several areas of interest in the research related to Cat's Claw, most notably the effects on the immune system and the inflammatory pathways in
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Active Consituents
Oxindole alkaloids (isopteropodine, pteropodine, mitraphylline, isomitraphylline, rynchophylline, and isorynchophylline), triterpenes, proanthocyanidins, polyphenols, glycosides, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol
Parts Used
Additional Resources
1.) Pilarski, R., Zielinski, H., Ciesiolka, D., and Gulewicz, K. Antioxidant activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) DC. J Ethnopharmacol 3-8-2006;104(1-2):18-23. 2.) Goncalves, C., Dinis, T., and Batista, M. T. Antioxidant properties of proanthocyanidins of Uncaria tomentosa bark decoction: a mechanism for anti-inflammatory activity. Phytochemistry 2005;66(1):89-98. 3.) Heitzman, M. E., Neto, C. C., Winiarz, E., Vaisberg, A. J., and Hammond, G. B. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Uncaria (Rubiaceae). Phytochemistry 2005;66(1):5-29. 4.) Akhtar, N., et al. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2012 Jun;4(3):181-207 Domingues, A., et al. "Uncaria tomentosa aqueous-ethanol extract triggers an immunomodulation toward a Th2 cytokine profile." Phytother Res. 2011 Aug;25(8):1229-35 Rojas-Duran, R., et al. J Ethnopharmacol. 2012 Oct 11;143(3):801-4. 5.) Spelman, K., et al. "Modulation of cytokine expression by traditional medicines: a review of herbal immunomodulators." Altern. Med. Rev. 2006 Jun; 11(2): 128-50.
Important Precautions
Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs, please consult with your doctor before use.
This information in our Herbal Reference Guide is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This content does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, this information should be used only under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.
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