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Ginger and her cousin Turmeric are proud members of the zingiberaceae family and grow in sub-tropical, volcanic soils in the southern hemispheres. The plant is thought to

The fresh rhizome in Ginger is less hot and contains more of the flavor components such as triterpenoids and volatile oils which act on the peripheries of



Ginger and her cousin Turmeric are proud members of the zingiberaceae family and grow in sub-tropical, volcanic soils in the southern hemispheres. The plant is thought to have originated in tropical Asia and is widely cultivated in the Caribbean and Africa. many cultures report similar uses of this plant. It has been used as a favorite “diffusive” circulatory tonic and warming agent, to calm occasional nausea, and to aid in a healthy immune respiratory response. It has also been used to support a normal inflammatory response. Ginger is one of the most widely consumed aromatic spices on the planet.

The fresh rhizome in Ginger is less hot and contains more of the flavor components such as triterpenoids and volatile oils which act on the peripheries of the body. The dried rhizome is quite hot from its concentration of pungent nonvolatile compounds known as gingerols and acts centrally to dispel what are referred to in Traditional Chinese Medicine as "Cold-Wind" conditions. Ginger has shown in numerous clinical trials to support a healthy inflammatory response and as a beneficial nausea aid. It is thought that Ginger promotes normal production of inflammatory markers which would explain its action on the immune system as well as its ability to promote healthy circulation and inflammatory responses.

More products with Ginger

Adaptogen Performance Mushrooms & Herbs

Traditionally for keeping your energy levels healthy*


Ashwagandha Gummies

Promotes a healthy resistance to stress*

$14.84 – $33.29

Cramp Relief

Relieves occasional discomfort and cramps associated with menstrual cycles*


Fertility Support

Traditional herbs for healthy reproductive function*


Gas & Bloating®

Provides relief from occasional gas & bloating*


Ginger-Beet Postbiotic

Supports a healthy gut & maintaining a healthy heart*


Ginger-Turmeric Postbiotic

Supports a healthy gut & healthy inflammatory response*


Immune Rapid Defense Gummies

Supports immune function to help you feel your best and bounce back quickly* ​


Metabolic Activator

Helps support a healthy blood sugar metabolism*


Nausea Gummies

Relieves occasional nausea, motion or morning sickness* ​


Quick Defense®

Fast-acting formula for supporting immune response at onset*

$25.64 – $66.14

Turmeric Boost® Restore

Ayurvedic herbs & Chai spices for whole body support*


Turmeric Supreme® Adult Daily Gummies

Daily inflammation support for your healthy, active life.*


Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength Gummies

Supports healthy inflammatory function to help maintain your active lifestyle.*

$28.79 – $33.29

Turmeric Supreme® Joint

Supports joint health so you can keep enjoying your active lifestyle*

$29.69 – $51.29

Turmeric Supreme® Sinus Support

Promotes a healthy inflammatory response in healthy individuals*


Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme

Traditionally for GI tract health*


Active Consituents
Ginger contains hundreds of chemical components. The highest percentages of chemicals are the volatile oils (camphene, phellandrene, zingiberine, zingiberol, eucalyptol, citral, borneol, and linalol) and the phenolic compounds (gingerol, zingerone, shogaols) and resins.
Parts Used
Additional Resources
MacLeod AJ, Pieris NM. Volatile aroma constituents of Sri Lankan ginger. Phytochemistry. 1984 ; 23: 353-59. Srivastava KC. Prostaglandins Leukotriene Essential Fatty acids. 1989; 35: 183-85. Srivastava KC, Mustafa T, Ginger (Zingiber Off.) and Rheumatic Disorders. Med. Hypotheses. 1989; 29:25-28.
Important Precautions
Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation in very large amounts- may be too moving, warming, and drying. If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs, please consult with your doctor before use.
This information in our Herbal Reference Guide is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This content does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, this information should be used only under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.

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