With holiday festivities in full swing and the year coming to a close, New Year’s resolutions are at the forefront of people’s minds.
Although setting new year’s resolutions is fun (cue the festive popping of the champagne bottle), research has shown only about one-third of people stick with them past the first month.
If you’re determined to keep your New Year’s resolutions, specific herbs may help your overall success strategy.
In this article, we’ll share seven herbs that may help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions.
7 Herbs to Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
Achieving your New Year’s resolutions starts with setting realistic goals and chipping away at them little by little.
Although we don’t claim herbs can take the place of realistic goal setting, perseverance, and self-discipline, they may be a valuable part of a solid New Year’s resolution strategy.
The following are seven herbs that may help you in achieving your goals.
We based this information on the most common New Year’s resolutions and the science behind the herbs’ benefits.
1: Resolved to get in shape, run a 5K, or just exercise more? Ashwagandha may help
“Exercising more” is top of the list of common New Year’s resolutions for 2023 (and previous years), and it’s no wonder!
Regular exercise has been associated with a diverse number of health benefits, including:
- Better sleep
- Improved mental health
- Lower BMI
- Better heart and cardiovascular well-being
- Weight loss
- Increased longevity
- And better cognitive health.
Ashwagandha has been shown to support many aspects of well-being—including exercise performance, better energy, cardiorespiratory performance, and recovery.*,
Researchers believe the plant compounds in Ashwagandha, known as withanolides, are responsible for its beneficial actions on workout performance and recovery.*
Gaia Herbs offers Ashwagandha Root extract in capsule form with 350 mg of ashwagandha root and root extract per capsule serving.
2. Starting a Business? Consider Nootropics For Energy and Focus
Nootropic herbs are plants that support mental performance, such as cognition, focus, and memory.*
Some examples include Ginkgo, Bacopa, Saffron, and Lemon Balm.
When combined with a healthy, active lifestyle, these herbs may help you stay sharp, focused, and energized as you embark on your new business venture.*
Gaia Herbs Nootropic Focus combines Saffron, Lemon Balm, Ginkgo, and Spearmint to support cognitive function.*
3: Want to Focus on Your Wellness? Try Elderberry
If you’re looking for ways to stay healthier year-round, look no further than immune-supportive herbs.*
Although there are many herbs to choose from, Elderberry has become one of the most popular immune health supplements.*
Rich in history, Elderberries have been traditionally used to support the gastrointestinal tract, promote normal immunity, and to support resilience during long and barren winter months.*
Fast-forward to the present day, and Elderberry has become a sought-after darling in the supplement industry—and for good reason.
It is available in various tasty forms, such as syrups, gummies, and cough drops. It’s also been shown in multiple studies to support immune, respiratory, and sinus health.
Some of Gaia Herbs' most popular Elderberry supplements include our Organic Black Elderberry Syrup and Black Elderberry Adult Daily Gummies.
4: Ready To Stress Less? You’ll Love Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm’s health benefits are previewed in its name.
This naturally lemony herb acts like a soothing balm during times of stress, helping create a feeling of calm and serenity.*
It’s also been shown to support mood, immunity, healthy sleep, cognitive function, and digestion.*
Lemon Balm is easy to grow in most parts of the country and comes back after several cuttings. It’s also widely available as a supplement in tea, capsule, or tincture form.
Gaia Herbs includes Lemon Balm in various formulas, including Organic Lemon Balm Tincture, Gaia Kids Calm Support, Relax Gummies, and more.
5: Committed To Better Sleep? Cozy Up With Passionflower
Anyone who has struggled with sleep knows how frustrating it can be to lie awake at night, unable to drift off.
Or to wake up in the middle of the night unable to fall back to sleep.
Or to wake up in the morning feeling exhausted.
Plus, research has shown that even short-term sleep deprivation is associated with cognitive, emotional, and physical health declines, such as reduced immunity and blood sugar imbalance.
Although a physician should always evaluate chronic sleep issues, occasional sleeplessness can often be addressed with herbs.
Passionflower has been traditionally used to help promote relaxation, emotional well-being, and restful sleep for centuries.*
Research has shown it works by supporting normal neurotransmitter function, which promotes a healthy circadian rhythm/sleep cycle.
Gaia Herbs Sleep & Relax Liquid Phyto-Caps® combines Passionflower with Lemon Balm, and Lavender to promote relaxation and set the stage for a good night’s sleep.*
6: Ready to Take Control of Food Cravings? Reach For Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon Bark is a worthy herbal ally for conquering post-holiday food cravings.
Cinnamon has a rich history of tradition worldwide for ailments of the digestive, immune, cardiovascular, and metabolic systems.*
In terms of cravings, it’s been shown to be potentially helpful by supporting normal blood sugar balance, which can help with unhealthy food cravings.
Cinnamon has also been shown effective in supporting healthy levels of Candida Albicans in the gut.* Many health experts have observed intestinal Candida overgrowth may lead to enhanced sugar and carb cravings.
Finally, Cinnamon’s naturally sweet flavor can serve as a healthy substitute for added sugars and sweeteners.
Cinnamon is so accessible and can be added directly to your favorite foods or beverages.
However, if you’re looking for a specific result, as indicated in the previously mentioned studies, a supplement can help ensure you get an optimal amount.
Gaia Herbs offers concentrated single-herb Cinnamon supplements in Liquid Phyto-Caps or Tincture form.
7: Focusing on Mental and Emotional Health This Year? Lean on St. John’s Wort
These last few years have been hard on everyone. This is why focusing on mental and emotional health should be a top priority in 2023 (and beyond).
In addition to proper mental/emotional hygiene, getting enough sleep, practicing a healthy lifestyle, avoiding social isolation, and seeking professional help when warranted, many herbs can lend emotional support.*
St. John's Wort is the reigning queen of the herbs touted for their emotional benefits.*
Named after John the Baptist, St. John’s Wort has been used for centuries, as far back as the Ancient Greeks, for various conditions, including occasional anxiety, mood support, respiratory issues, nervous system complaints, skin issues, inflammation, and hormonal imbalance.*
There is a solid and growing body of evidence showing the mental health benefits of St. John’s Wort.
Although the scientific consensus on how St. John’s Wort works isn’t established, some researchers believe its supportive effects on feel-good neurotransmitter production, like serotonin and dopamine, may play a role.*
Gaia Herbs offers pure organic St. John’s Wort in Liquid Phyto-Caps or Tincture. You can also find it in our Emotional Balance® formula.
Note: There are some reports of adverse effects with St. John’s Wort while using some medications– ask your doctor about using St. John’s Wort while on prescription medications.
A Final Piece of Advice: Celebrate the Little Wins on the Journey
As mentioned in the introduction, experts agree that New Year’s resolutions usually fail because people set unrealistic expectations.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set a lofty goal. The trick is to break that goal into bite-sized pieces and celebrate those little victories.
For example, if beating sugar cravings is your goal, expect to have setbacks! Sugar is exceptionally addictive and typically takes time to wean yourself.
Don’t give up your resolution if you give in to your cravings now and then. Instead, remember all the times you succeeded and start afresh.
It’s also important to remember that practicing a healthy lifestyle plays a vital role in your success.
No matter what your resolution(s) may be, if you’re not getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, exercising, eating healthfully, and taking care of your social needs, you will be unable to perform at your best.
To recap:
- Set realistic resolutions and break them down into achievable steps.
- Celebrate the accomplishment of the small steps.
- Expect setbacks. They’re not a reason to give up. Be kind to yourself and continue on.
- Practice a healthy lifestyle to perform at your best.
- Consider herbs as part of your New Year’s resolution strategy.
Happy New Year, and best of luck with your resolutions from our Gaia Herbs family, to yours.