Your Guide to Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength

Published on September 15, 2023

By Gaia Herbs

Gaia Herbs

Explore everything you need to know about terrific Turmeric and exactly how to use it to keep you and your loved ones healthy. 

1. Diving Into Terrific Turmeric

Used for thousands of years and especially valued in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine, Turmeric helps support a healthy immune response and maintain overall health and vitality. 

Popular in both the culinary and medicinal world, there is much to learn about Turmeric and how to use it to support you on your path to wellness. 

Scientifically known as Curcuma longa, Turmeric is a leafy plant that can grow to be three feet tall with long, wide, green leaves and beautiful pink or white flowers. The part that is consumed as a spice and botanical herb, however, is the rhizome

While a rhizome is technically not a root, but rather an underground stem, it is commonly referred to as a root. In this guide, when we refer to Turmeric, we’re referring to the rhizome.

This rhizome is yellowish-brown on the outside with a finger-like shape that sometimes resembles ginger, yet when cut into, reveals a vibrant orange inner flesh. This flesh is what’s typically dried and ground into the brightly colored powder you may see in your grocery store. 

At Gaia Herbs, we use Turmeric in dried, powdered, and gummy form in many different blends to support your immune system, stress response, joint health, cognitive health, sinuses, liver, energy, and more.*

Let’s dig into this guide and explore a bit more about our versatile and holistic friend, Turmeric. 

2. How Does Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength Work?

While Turmeric has many potential health benefits, it is most studied for its antioxidant properties, which help fight against the effects of oxidative stress and free radicals.* 

There is also an active component in Turmeric called curcumin, which is the most bioavailable of its three curcuminoid compounds. This, along with Turmeric’s other beneficial components like turmerones, and polysaccharides, contribute to the herb’s ability to support many different areas of health and wellness.* 

In fact, the list of Turmeric’s benefits is quite long, and we encourage you to dig into this article to discover eight specific areas of health that this signature spice has a positive effect on, including stress, exercise, heart health, joint health, liver, immune system, sinuses, and more. 

Thanks to its adaptability, humans have leaned on Turmeric tfor many applications throughout history. 

Here at Gaia Herbs, our Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength is the perfect way to elevate your daily ritual while supporting a healthy inflammatory function and maintaining your active lifestyle.* 

With each serving delivering the equivalent of 36 mg of curcumins and formulated with black pepper extract to aid absorption and bioavailability, it only takes 1 capsule 1-2 times daily to experience the benefits of this time-tested antioxidant herb.*

But in order to reap the long-term benefits, we encourage a mindset of proactivity, ii.e.taking your supplement every day, rather than one of reactivity, ii.e.only taking your supplement when you feel off.

3. When Should I Take Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength? 

Keeping a proactive philosophy in mind, we formulated our Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength so that you could take it daily and feel the benefits build over time. 

For consistent support, we recommend people 12 years and older take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily with meals (not for use during pregnancy). Benefits will build over time and with consistency. 

4. Should I Supplement Turmeric Or Eat It Raw? 

You may be thinking, “Can’t I just eat Turmeric and see the same benefits?” 

While Turmeric is quickly gaining popularity in the culinary world and should most certainly be a staple in your spice rack, if you’re looking for targeted support, a supplement is your best option. 

To achieve a daily serving, recommended by researchers as up to 3 grams of dried powder or whole root, you would need to consume 1 ½ teaspoons of Turmeric daily. Due to Turmeric's bitter taste, this amount may seem unpalatable to many people.

The fat-soluble active components of Turmeric, including its essential oils, need to pass the blood-brain barrier to offer neurological support as well as support for any of the other targeted areas mentioned above. 

However, in culinary uses, these essential oils are not preserved (cooking only releases their aroma and flavor) or not available (most uncooked preparations don't support the absorption of those fat-soluble components), and the potency of dried Turmeric diminishes over time.

An extract, such as the one in your Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength Liquid Phyto-Cap, provides a concentrated, potent serving designed for specific, targeted support. 

In addition to whole root Turmeric, Gaia's Turmeric Supreme line also contains Turmeric extract and black pepper, which allows it to cross through the gut lining and offer support in specific areas in a short amount of time.* 

When consuming Turmeric as a food, your body will need to do the extraction itself, which requires more effort, to obtain the constituents that a Turmeric extract provides more easily.

5. Meet Your Turmeric 

While many of our herbs are grown on our 350-acre organic farm in Brevard, North Carolina, some plants do best in their own native bioregion, where the conditions are just right.

Gaia Herbs' Turmeric is grown in an agroforestry setting in Nicaragua and Indonesia. With Doselva, our partners in Nicaragua, Gaia has supported the development of regenerative training resources for new turmeric farmers.

When our farmer partners are cultivating the land, they are not simply preparing it for a harvest of their crop, they are nurturing the soil to ensure the long-term health of their land.

Interested in learning more about your herbs and where they’re grown? We created Meet Your Herbs®, the world’s first herb traceability platform, just for this reason. 

Simply locate the Herb ID on the back of your Gaia Herbs product, type it into the search bar at, and discover the origin of your herbs, how they were grown, harvested, and extracted, and see the validation of your product’s level of purity and potency. 

6. Dig Deeper Into Wellness with Turmeric

While we do our best to bring you as much education and science as possible, Turmeric is particularly versatile and complex.

There is much more to learn about this amazing antioxidant herb and its potential health benefits for you and your loved ones. 

If you’d like to learn more about Turmeric, including its history, recipes to try at home, potential side effects, and more, dig into these articles from our blog, Seeds of Knowledge, to find out everything you need to know: 

    Have More Questions? 

    As partners on your wellness journey, we want to help you find answers as best as we can. 

    If you have a specific question about your Turmeric Supreme® Extra Strength or something we didn’t cover in this guide, our Customer Support Team is here for you.

    You can call us at 1.800.831.7780 or send us an email at and we’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible, Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm EST. We observe all federal holidays and will be happy to assist you on the next business day.